Sacha Krakowiak (born in 1937)
graduated from École Polytechnique (Paris, 1958) and holds a
Doctorat ès Sciences en Informatique (Computer Science) from
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, (Paris, 1973). He has been a
professor of Computer Science at Université Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble, France since 1973 and is Professor Emeritus since 2007 Sacha
Krakowiak is a senior member of the Sardes project (a joint project of
INRIA and Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble). His current research
interests include distributed systems and component-based autonomous
systems. Prior to this appointment, he worked at INRIA (1968-1973),
where he was a project leader in operating systems, and at the Bassin
des Carènes (French Navy Towing Tank), (1962-1968), where he
created and managed the Computing Center. He has done research on
operating systems design and implementation, software development
environments, object-oriented systems, and distributed systems and
applications. From 1990 to 1995, Sacha Krakowiak has been deputy head
of Bull-IMAG, a joint research laboratory established by the Bull
company and the university of Grenoble, and leader of the Guide project
(design and development of a distributed system based on an object
model). He is now a senior member of the Sardes project (University of
Grenoble and INRIA), on distributed systems and component-based
autonomous systems. Sacha Krakowiak has been a member of the Scientific
Board of INRIA from 1982 to 1995, and the coordinator of the French
national cooperative research action on distributed systems from 1991
to 1997. He has published over 60 scientific papers and is the author
or co-author of four books.
Recent publications :
Sara Bouchenak, Fabienne Boyer,
Daniel Hagimont, Sacha Krakowiak, Adrian Mos, Noël De Palma,
Vivien Quéma, and Jean-Bernard Stefani. Architecture-Based
Autonomous Repair Management: An Application to J2EE Clusters. In The
24th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2005),
Orlando, FL, USA, October 2005.
Sacha Krakowiak and Jean-Bernard Stefani. export-bind : Un patron
d'architecture pour la liaison adaptable. In D. Trystram, Y. Slimani,
and M. Jemni, editors, Informatique Répartie, chapter 9.
Hermès, 2005.
Sara Bouchenak, Daniel Hagimont, Sacha Krakowiak, Noël De Palma,
and Fabienne Boyer. Experiences implementing efficient Java thread
serialization, mobility and persistence. Software - Practice and
Experience, 34(4):355-394, 2004. Middleware Architecture, (Book in progress).